The book contains works written in the period 2021-2023. It is an attempt at a conversation with three instruments that I love very much. The mandolin that connects me with melodies and memories of my homeland, the guitar that I studied and grew up with, and the cello that from the first moment I heard it as a young child, it marked me. My intention was to highlight the expressive potential of these three instruments through minimalist harmonic and melodic elements, linking them to images with colour, scent and Mediterranean aura. In the book, in addition to my four original compositions, there are three reconstructions I have made on works by Satie, Granados and Marcello. I have chosen the works of these three composers with great care. It is a game with the past. A tribute and at the same time a message of liberation of imagination and creativity. I hope you enjoy the works in the book and through them you will love the study of music even more.
Yiorgos Magoulas
Adagio - recomposition of the Adagio from the Oboe Concert no3 in D minor (BWV 974) by Alessandro Marcello
Gnossienne No.1 - recomposition of a theme by Erik Satie (Trois Gnossiennes)
Spanish Dance No.2 - recomposition of a theme by Enrique Granados (Twelve Spanish Dances, Op37 - no2)
The Sea - composed by Yiorgos Magoulas
Nostos - composed by Yiorgos Magoulas
Secret Paths - composed by Yiorgos Magoulas
Touching The Stars - composed by Yiorgos Magoulas
Adagio- recomposition of the Adagio from the Oboe Concert no3 in D minor (BWV 974) by Alessandro Marcello
Gnossienne No.1 - recomposition of a theme by Erik Satie (Trois Gnossiennes)
Spanish Dance No.2 - recomposition of a theme by Enrique Granados (Twelve Spanish Dances, Op37 - no2)